- 關(guān)于我們
- 針對(duì)假冒留學(xué)監(jiān)理網(wǎng)的聲明
- 留學(xué)熱線:4000-315-285
It’s good to be home. My fellow Americans, Michelle and I have been so touched by all the well-wishes we’ve received over the past few weeks. But tonight it’s my turn to say thanks. Whether we’ve seen eye-to-eye or rarely agreed at all, my conversations with you, the American people – in living rooms and schools; at farms and on factory floors; at diners and on distant outposts – are what have kept me honest, kept me inspired, and kept me going. Every day, I learned from you. You made me a better President, and you made me a better man.
I first came to Chicago when I was in my early twenties, still trying to figure out who I was; still searching for a purpose to my life. It was in neighborhoods not far from here where I began working with church groups in the shadows of closed steel mills. It was on these streets where I witnessed the power of faith, and the quiet dignity of working people in the face of struggle and loss. This is where I learned that change only happens when ordinary people get involved, get engaged, and come together to demand it.
After eight years as your President, I still believe that. And it’s not just my belief. It’s the beating heart of our American idea – our bold experiment in self-government.
It’s the conviction that we are all created equal, endowed by our Creator with certain unalienable rights, among them life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.
It’s the insistence that these rights, while self-evident, have never been self-executing; that We, the People, through the instrument of our democracy, can form a more perfect union.
This is the great gift our Founders gave us. The freedom to chase our individual dreams through our sweat, toil, and imagination – and the imperative to strive together as well, to achieve a greater good.
For 240 years, our nation’s call to citizenship has given work and purpose to each new generation. It’s what led patriots to choose republic over tyranny, pioneers to trek west, slaves to brave that makeshift railroad to freedom. It’s what pulled immigrants and refugees across oceans and the Rio Grande, pushed women to reach for the ballot, powered workers to organize. It’s why GIs gave their lives at Omaha Beach and Iwo Jima; Iraq and Afghanistan – and why men and women from Selma to Stonewall were prepared to give theirs as well.
So that’s what we mean when we say America is exceptional. Not that our nation has been flawless from the start, but that we have shown the capacity to change, and make life better for those who follow.
Yes, our progress has been uneven. The work of democracy has always been hard, contentious and sometimes bloody. For every two steps forward, it often feels we take one step back. But the long sweep of America has been defined by forward motion, a constant widening of our founding creed to embrace all, and not just some.
If I had told you eight years ago that America would reverse a great recession, reboot our auto industry, and unleash the longest stretch of job creation in our history…if I had told you that we would open up a new chapter with the Cuban people, shut down Iran’s nuclear weapons program without firing a shot, and take out the mastermind of 9/11…if I had told you that we would win marriage equality, and secure the right to health insurance for another 20 million of our fellow citizens – you might have said our sights were set a little too high.
But that’s what we did. That’s what you did. You were the change. You answered people’s hopes, and because of you, by almost every measure, America is a better, stronger place than it was when we started.
In ten days, the world will witness a hallmark of our democracy: the peaceful transfer of power from one freely-elected president to the next. I committed to President-Elect Trump that my administration would ensure the smoothest possible transition, just as President Bush did for me. Because it’s up to all of us to make sure our government can help us meet the many challenges we still face.
We have what we need to do so. After all, we remain the wealthiest, most powerful, and most respected nation on Earth. Our youth and drive, our diversity and openness, our boundless capacity for risk and reinvention mean that the future should be ours.
But that potential will be realized only if our democracy works. Only if our politics reflects the decency of the our people. Only if all of us, regardless of our party affiliation or particular interest, help restore the sense of common purpose that we so badly need right now.
That’s what I want to focus on tonight – the state of our democracy.
Understand, democracy does not require uniformity. Our founders quarreled and compromised, and expected us to do the same. But they knew that democracy does require a basic sense of solidarity – the idea that for all our outward differences, we are all in this together; that we rise or fall as one.
There have been moments throughout our history that threatened to rupture that solidarity. The beginning of this century has been one of those times. A shrinking world, growing inequality; demographic change and the specter of terrorism – these forces haven’t just tested our security and prosperity, but our democracy as well. And how we meet these challenges to our democracy will determine our ability to educate our kids, and create good jobs, and protect our homeland.
In other words, it will determine our future.
Our democracy won’t work without a sense that everyone has economic opportunity. Today, the economy is growing again; wages, incomes, home values, and retirement accounts are rising again; poverty is falling again. The wealthy are paying a fairer share of taxes even as the stock market shatters records. The unemployment rate is near a ten-year low. The uninsured rate has never, ever been lower. Health care costs are rising at the slowest rate in fifty years. And if anyone can put together a plan that is demonstrably better than the improvements we’ve made to our health care system – that covers as many people at less cost – I will publicly support it.
That, after all, is why we serve – to make people’s lives better, not worse.
But for all the real progress we’ve made, we know it’s not enough. Our economy doesn’t work as well or grow as fast when a few prosper at the expense of a growing middle class. But stark inequality is also corrosive to our democratic principles. While the top one percent has amassed a bigger share of wealth and income, too many families, in inner cities and rural counties, have been left behind – the laid-off factory worker; the waitress and health care worker who struggle to pay the bills – convinced that the game is fixed against them, that their government only serves the interests of the powerful – a recipe for more cynicism and polarization in our politics.
There are no quick fixes to this long-term trend. I agree that our trade should be fair and not just free. But the next wave of economic dislocation won’t come from overseas. It will come from the relentless pace of automation that makes many good, middle-class jobs obsolete.
And so we must forge a new social compact – to guarantee all our kids the education they need; to give workers the power to unionize for better wages; to update the social safety net to reflect the way we live now and make more reforms to the tax code so corporations and individuals who reap the most from the new economy don’t avoid their obligations to the country that’s made their success possible. We can argue about how to best achieve these goals. But we can’t be complacent about the goals themselves. For if we don’t create opportunity for all people, the disaffection and division that has stalled our progress will only sharpen in years to come.
There’s a second threat to our democracy – one as old as our nation itself. After my election, there was talk of a post-racial America. Such a vision, however well-intended, was never realistic. For race remains a potent and often divisive force in our society. I’ve lived long enough to know that race relations are better than they were ten, or twenty, or thirty years ago – you can see it not just in statistics, but in the attitudes of young Americans across the political spectrum.
But we’re not where we need to be. All of us have more work to do. After all, if every economic issue is framed as a struggle between a hardworking white middle class and undeserving minorities, then workers of all shades will be left fighting for scraps while the wealthy withdraw further into their private enclaves. If we decline to invest in the children of immigrants, just because they don’t look like us, we diminish the prospects of our own children – because those brown kids will represent a larger share of America’s workforce. And our economy doesn’t have to be a zero-sum game. Last year, incomes rose for all races, all age groups, for men and for women.
Going forward, we must uphold laws against discrimination – in hiring, in housing, in education and the criminal justice system. That’s what our Constitution and highest ideals require. But laws alone won’t be enough. Hearts must change. If our democracy is to work in this increasingly diverse nation, each one of us must try to heed the advice of one of the great characters in American fiction, Atticus Finch, who said “You never really understand a person until you consider things from his point of view…until you climb into his skin and walk around in it.”
For blacks and other minorities, it means tying our own struggles for justice to the challenges that a lot of people in this country face – the refugee, the immigrant, the rural poor, the transgender American, and also the middle-aged white man who from the outside may seem like he’s got all the advantages, but who’s seen his world upended by economic, cultural, and technological change.
For white Americans, it means acknowledging that the effects of slavery and Jim Crow didn’t suddenly vanish in the ‘60s; that when minority groups voice discontent, they’re not just engaging in reverse racism or practicing political correctness; that when they wage peaceful protest, they’re not demanding special treatment, but the equal treatment our Founders promised.
For native-born Americans, it means reminding ourselves that the stereotypes about immigrants today were said, almost word for word, about the Irish, Italians, and Poles. America wasn’t weakened by the presence of these newcomers; they embraced this nation’s creed, and it was strengthened.
So regardless of the station we occupy; we have to try harder; to start with the premise that each of our fellow citizens loves this country just as much as we do; that they value hard work and family like we do; that their children are just as curious and hopeful and worthy of love as our own.
None of this is easy. For too many of us, it’s become safer to retreat into our own bubbles, whether in our neighborhoods or college campuses or places of worship or our social media feeds, surrounded by people who look like us and share the same political outlook and never challenge our assumptions. The rise of naked partisanship, increasing economic and regional stratification, the splintering of our media into a channel for every taste – all this makes this great sorting seem natural, even inevitable. And increasingly, we become so secure in our bubbles that we accept only information, whether true or not, that fits our opinions, instead of basing our opinions on the evidence that’s out there.
This trend represents a third threat to our democracy. Politics is a battle of ideas; in the course of a healthy debate, we’ll prioritize different goals, and the different means of reaching them. But without some common baseline of facts; without a willingness to admit new information, and concede that your opponent is making a fair point, and that science and reason matter, we’ll keep talking past each other, making common ground and compromise impossible.
Isn’t that part of what makes politics so dispiriting? How can elected officials rage about deficits when we propose to spend money on preschool for kids, but not when we’re cutting taxes for corporations? How do we excuse ethical lapses in our own party, but pounce when the other party does the same thing? It’s not just dishonest, this selective sorting of the facts; it’s self-defeating. Because as my mother used to tell me, reality has a way of catching up with you.
Take the challenge of climate change. In just eight years, we’ve halved our dependence on foreign oil, doubled our renewable energy, and led the world to an agreement that has the promise to save this planet. But without bolder action, our children won’t have time to debate the existence of climate change; they’ll be busy dealing with its effects: environmental disasters, economic disruptions, and waves of climate refugees seeking sanctuary.
Now, we can and should argue about the best approach to the problem. But to simply deny the problem not only betrays future generations; it betrays the essential spirit of innovation and practical problem-solving that guided our Founders.
It’s that spirit, born of the Enlightenment, that made us an economic powerhouse – the spirit that took flight at Kitty Hawk and Cape Canaveral; the spirit that that cures disease and put a computer in every pocket.
It’s that spirit – a faith in reason, and enterprise, and the primacy of right over might, that allowed us to resist the lure of fascism and tyranny during the Great Depression, and build a post-World War II order with other democracies, an order based not just on military power or national affiliations but on principles – the rule of law, human rights, freedoms of religion, speech, assembly, and an independent press.
That order is now being challenged – first by violent fanatics who claim to speak for Islam; more recently by autocrats in foreign capitals who see free markets, open democracies, and civil society itself as a threat to their power. The peril each poses to our democracy is more far-reaching than a car bomb or a missile. It represents the fear of change; the fear of people who look or speak or pray differently; a contempt for the rule of law that holds leaders accountable; an intolerance of dissent and free thought; a belief that the sword or the gun or the bomb or propaganda machine is the ultimate arbiter of what’s true and what’s right.
Because of the extraordinary courage of our men and women in uniform, and the intelligence officers, law enforcement, and diplomats who support them, no foreign terrorist organization has successfully planned and executed an attack on our homeland these past eight years; and although Boston and Orlando remind us of how dangerous radicalization can be, our law enforcement agencies are more effective and vigilant than ever. We’ve taken out tens of thousands of terrorists – including Osama bin Laden. The global coalition we’re leading against ISIL has taken out their leaders, and taken away about half their territory. ISIL will be destroyed, and no one who threatens America will ever be safe. To all who serve, it has been the honor of my lifetime to be your Commander-in-Chief.
But protecting our way of life requires more than our military. Democracy can buckle when we give in to fear. So just as we, as citizens, must remain vigilant against external aggression, we must guard against a weakening of the values that make us who we are. That’s why, for the past eight years, I’ve worked to put the fight against terrorism on a firm legal footing. That’s why we’ve ended torture, worked to close Gitmo, and reform our laws governing surveillance to protect privacy and civil liberties. That’s why I reject discrimination against Muslim Americans. That’s why we cannot withdraw from global fights – to expand democracy, and human rights, women’s rights, and LGBT rights – no matter how imperfect our efforts, no matter how expedient ignoring such values may seem. For the fight against extremism and intolerance and sectarianism are of a piece with the fight against authoritarianism and nationalist aggression. If the scope of freedom and respect for the rule of law shrinks around the world, the likelihood of war within and between nations increases, and our own freedoms will eventually be threatened.
So let’s be vigilant, but not afraid. ISIL will try to kill innocent people. But they cannot defeat America unless we betray our Constitution and our principles in the fight. Rivals like Russia or China cannot match our influence around the world – unless we give up what we stand for, and turn ourselves into just another big country that bullies smaller neighbors.
Which brings me to my final point – our democracy is threatened whenever we take it for granted. All of us, regardless of party, should throw ourselves into the task of rebuilding our democratic institutions. When voting rates are some of the lowest among advanced democracies, we should make it easier, not harder, to vote. When trust in our institutions is low, we should reduce the corrosive influence of money in our politics, and insist on the principles of transparency and ethics in public service. When Congress is dysfunctional, we should draw our districts to encourage politicians to cater to common sense and not rigid extremes.
And all of this depends on our participation; on each of us accepting the responsibility of citizenship, regardless of which way the pendulum of power swings.
Our Constitution is a remarkable, beautiful gift. But it’s really just a piece of parchment. It has no power on its own. We, the people, give it power – with our participation, and the choices we make. Whether or not we stand up for our freedoms. Whether or not we respect and enforce the rule of law. America is no fragile thing. But the gains of our long journey to freedom are not assured.
In his own farewell address, George Washington wrote that self-government is the underpinning of our safety, prosperity, and liberty, but “from different causes and from different quarters much pains will be taken…to weaken in your minds the conviction of this truth;” that we should preserve it with “jealous anxiety;” that we should reject “the first dawning of every attempt to alienate any portion of our country from the rest or to enfeeble the sacred ties” that make us one.
We weaken those ties when we allow our political dialogue to become so corrosive that people of good character are turned off from public service; so coarse with rancor that Americans with whom we disagree are not just misguided, but somehow malevolent. We weaken those ties when we define some of us as more American than others; when we write off the whole system as inevitably corrupt, and blame the leaders we elect without examining our own role in electing them.
It falls to each of us to be those anxious, jealous guardians of our democracy; to embrace the joyous task we’ve been given to continually try to improve this great nation of ours. Because for all our outward differences, we all share the same proud title: Citizen.
Ultimately, that’s what our democracy demands. It needs you. Not just when there’s an election, not just when your own narrow interest is at stake, but over the full span of a lifetime. If you’re tired of arguing with strangers on the internet, try to talk with one in real life. If something needs fixing, lace up your shoes and do some organizing. If you’re disappointed by your elected officials, grab a clipboard, get some signatures, and run for office yourself. Show up. Dive in. Persevere. Sometimes you’ll win. Sometimes you’ll lose. Presuming a reservoir of goodness in others can be a risk, and there will be times when the process disappoints you. But for those of us fortunate enough to have been a part of this work, to see it up close, let me tell you, it can energize and inspire. And more often than not, your faith in America – and in Americans – will be confirmed.
Mine sure has been. Over the course of these eight years, I’ve seen the hopeful faces of young graduates and our newest military officers. I’ve mourned with grieving families searching for answers, and found grace in Charleston church. I’ve seen our scientists help a paralyzed man regain his sense of touch, and our wounded warriors walk again. I’ve seen our doctors and volunteers rebuild after earthquakes and stop pandemics in their tracks. I’ve seen the youngest of children remind us of our obligations to care for refugees, to work in peace, and above all to look out for each other.
That faith I placed all those years ago, not far from here, in the power of ordinary Americans to bring about change – that faith has been rewarded in ways I couldn’t possibly have imagined. I hope yours has, too. Some of you here tonight or watching at home were there with us in 2004, in 2008, in 2012 – and maybe you still can’t believe we pulled this whole thing off.
You’re not the only ones. Michelle – for the past twenty-five years, you’ve been not only my wife and mother of my children, but my best friend. You took on a role you didn’t ask for and made it your own with grace and grit and style and good humor. You made the White House a place that belongs to everybody. And a new generation sets its sights higher because it has you as a role model. You’ve made me proud. You’ve made the country proud.
Malia and Sasha, under the strangest of circumstances, you have become two amazing young women, smart and beautiful, but more importantly, kind and thoughtful and full of passion. You wore the burden of years in the spotlight so easily. Of all that I’ve done in my life, I’m most proud to be your dad.
To Joe Biden, the scrappy kid from Scranton who became Delaware’s favorite son: you were the first choice I made as a nominee, and the best. Not just because you have been a great Vice President, but because in the bargain, I gained a brother. We love you and Jill like family, and your friendship has been one of the great joys of our life.
To my remarkable staff: For eight years – and for some of you, a whole lot more – I’ve drawn from your energy, and tried to reflect back what you displayed every day: heart, and character, and idealism. I’ve watched you grow up, get married, have kids, and start incredible new journeys of your own. Even when times got tough and frustrating, you never let Washington get the better of you. The only thing that makes me prouder than all the good we’ve done is the thought of all the remarkable things you’ll achieve from here.
And to all of you out there – every organizer who moved to an unfamiliar town and kind family who welcomed them in, every volunteer who knocked on doors, every young person who cast a ballot for the first time, every American who lived and breathed the hard work of change – you are the best supporters and organizers anyone could hope for, and I will forever be grateful. Because yes, ou changed the world.
That’s why I leave this stage tonight even more optimistic about this country than I was when we started. Because I know our work has not only helped so many Americans; it has inspired so many Americans – especially so many young people out there – to believe you can make a difference; to hitch your wagon to something bigger than yourselves. This generation coming up – unselfish, altruistic, creative, patriotic – I’ve seen you in every corner of the country. You believe in a fair, just, inclusive America; you know that constant change has been America’s hallmark, something not to fear but to embrace, and you are willing to carry this hard work of democracy forward. You’ll soon outnumber any of us, and I believe as a result that the future is in good hands.
My fellow Americans, it has been the honor of my life to serve you. I won’t stop; in fact, I will be right there with you, as a citizen, for all my days that remain. For now, whether you’re young or young at heart, I do have one final ask of you as your President – the same thing I asked when you took a chance on me eight years ago.
I am asking you to believe. Not in my ability to bring about change – but in yours.
I am asking you to hold fast to that faith written into our founding documents; that idea whispered by slaves and abolitionists; that spirit sung by immigrants and homesteaders and those who marched for justice; that creed reaffirmed by those who planted flags from foreign battlefields to the surface of the moon; a creed at the core of every American whose story is not yet written:
Yes We Can.
Yes We Did.
Yes We Can.
Thank you. God bless you. And may God continue to bless the United States of America.
8 年的總統(tǒng)生涯后,我依然相信它。而且這不僅是我的信念,還是美國(guó)式思維活的靈魂——我們?cè)谧灾握系拇竽憣?shí)驗(yàn)。
240 年來,國(guó)家對(duì)公民的呼喚給了每一代年輕人工作和目標(biāo)。它引領(lǐng)愛國(guó)者選擇共和而非暴政,引領(lǐng)先驅(qū)者探索西部,引領(lǐng)奴隸勇敢地走向自由;正是它引領(lǐng)移民和難民穿越大洋和格蘭德河(PingWest品譯注:美國(guó)和墨西哥的邊界)來到這里;正是它促使婦女投票,工人聯(lián)合;它也是士兵們?cè)趭W馬哈海灘、硫磺島、伊拉克和阿富汗獻(xiàn)出生命的原因——從 Selma到 Stonewall (譯注:Selma是美國(guó)幾個(gè)偏遠(yuǎn)小城的稱呼,此處不知確指;Stonewall為紐約“石墻酒吧”,1969年同性戀群體以此為起點(diǎn)掀起的“石墻事件”,與六十年代的黑人平權(quán)運(yùn)動(dòng)、反戰(zhàn)運(yùn)動(dòng)齊名)的人們也準(zhǔn)備這么做。
如果 8 年前我告訴你,美國(guó)將扭轉(zhuǎn)一場(chǎng)大衰退,重啟我們的汽車產(chǎn)業(yè),以及發(fā)起史上最長(zhǎng)的創(chuàng)造就業(yè)運(yùn)動(dòng)……如果我告訴你我們會(huì)同古巴人民揭開新篇章,不費(fèi)一槍一彈地叫停伊朗核武計(jì)劃,以及消滅 9·11 事件的幕后主使……如果我告訴你我們會(huì)在婚姻平權(quán)上取得勝利,并確保另外 2000 萬同胞加入健康保險(xiǎn)——你可能會(huì)說我們的目標(biāo)設(shè)置得有點(diǎn)太高。
在十天內(nèi),世界將目睹我們民主政治的一個(gè)標(biāo)志:權(quán)力從一個(gè)被自由選舉出的總統(tǒng)和平移交給下一任。 我向當(dāng)選總統(tǒng)特朗普承諾,我的政府將像布什總統(tǒng)為我做的那樣,確保最平滑的過渡。 因?yàn)槲覀兯腥硕家_保我們的政府能幫助我們繼續(xù)應(yīng)對(duì)紛至沓來的挑戰(zhàn)。
歷史上有一些威脅到這種團(tuán)結(jié)的關(guān)頭,本世紀(jì)初就是其中之一。 一個(gè)不斷變小的世界,不斷擴(kuò)大的不平等; 人口變化和恐怖主義的幽靈——這些威脅不僅考驗(yàn)了我們的安全和繁榮,也考驗(yàn)了我們的民主。我們?nèi)绾螒?yīng)對(duì)這些對(duì)民主的挑戰(zhàn),將決定我們能不能好好教育孩子,創(chuàng)造好的工作機(jī)會(huì)及保護(hù)我們的家園。
正是這種精神,讓我們成為了經(jīng)濟(jì)強(qiáng)國(guó)——這種精神讓萊特兄弟在 Kitty Hawk(譯注:北卡州的一座小村莊)飛起第一架飛機(jī),這精神治愈疾病,還將電腦放進(jìn)每一個(gè)人的口袋。
正是因?yàn)樯碇品哪信畟兊姆欠灿職?,我們的情?bào)人員和執(zhí)法人員,以及支持他們的外交官們,過去 8 年,沒有任何外國(guó)恐怖組織成功在我們的國(guó)土上策劃和實(shí)施襲擊。盡管波士頓、奧蘭多和圣貝納迪多的槍擊案都在提醒我們激進(jìn)有多危險(xiǎn),但我們的執(zhí)法機(jī)構(gòu)比以前任何時(shí)候都更有效,更警惕。我們除掉了數(shù)以萬計(jì)的恐怖分子——包括本·拉登。我們領(lǐng)導(dǎo)的對(duì)抗 ISIL (譯注:“伊拉克和黎凡特伊斯蘭國(guó)”)的全球聯(lián)盟已經(jīng)消滅了他們的領(lǐng)導(dǎo)人,并且控制了他們大半的土地。ISIL 會(huì)被消滅的,任何威脅美國(guó)的人將永無寧日。對(duì)所有服役或曾經(jīng)服役的人,作為你們的最高指揮官是我一生的榮幸。
但是,保衛(wèi)我們的生活并不僅僅是軍隊(duì)的工作。當(dāng)我們向恐懼妥協(xié)時(shí),民主就會(huì)屈膝。所以,我們,作為公民,必須保持對(duì)外部侵略的警惕,我們必須警惕讓我們成為我們的價(jià)值觀的衰落。這也是為什么,過去 8 年,我一直致力于為打擊恐怖主義建立牢固的法律基礎(chǔ)。這是為什么我們結(jié)束虐囚,準(zhǔn)備關(guān)閉關(guān)塔那摩監(jiān)獄,改革政府監(jiān)視法律來保護(hù)隱私和公民自由的理由;這是為什么我抵制歧視穆斯林美國(guó)人的理由,他們是和我們一樣的愛國(guó)者;這是為什么我們不能放棄在全球范圍內(nèi)力爭(zhēng)擴(kuò)大民主,維護(hù)人權(quán),維護(hù)婦女和 LGBT 群體的權(quán)利——不管我們的努力有多不完善,不管這些工作的價(jià)值在短期內(nèi)會(huì)多么被忽視,這是保衛(wèi)美國(guó)的一部分。對(duì)極端主義、不包容、宗派主義、沙文主義的斗爭(zhēng),和對(duì)獨(dú)裁主義及國(guó)家侵略的斗爭(zhēng),均屬同一陣線。如果自由的范圍和對(duì)法律的尊重出現(xiàn)全球性受挫,內(nèi)戰(zhàn)和國(guó)家之間出現(xiàn)戰(zhàn)爭(zhēng)的可能性就會(huì)增加,我們自己的自由也會(huì)逐漸被威脅。
所以我們要更加警惕,但不是害怕。ISIL 會(huì)企圖殺害無辜平民,但除非我們?cè)诙窢?zhēng)中背叛憲法和我們的信條,否則他們贏不了美國(guó)。俄羅斯或中國(guó)這樣的對(duì)手,不足以匹配我們?cè)谑澜绲挠绊懥Α俏覀兎艞壷鲝?,變成一個(gè)只會(huì)欺負(fù)周邊小國(guó)的大國(guó)。
我保證肯定如此。在過去八年的任職中,我從年輕的畢業(yè)生以及軍官中看到過充滿希望的臉孔;我為悲傷的家庭哀悼,尋求答案,并在查爾斯頓(譯注:西弗吉尼亞首府)的教堂找到了恩惠;我見過科學(xué)家?guī)椭粋€(gè)癱瘓的人恢復(fù)觸覺,我們受傷的戰(zhàn)士又恢復(fù)行走能力了; 我見過我們的醫(yī)生和志愿者在地震后重建,盡其職責(zé),阻止流行病的爆發(fā);我看到最小的兒童提醒我們,我們有義務(wù)照顧難民,平和地工作,相互照顧。
我堅(jiān)信多年的信仰,并沒有遠(yuǎn)離,而是變成為美國(guó)人帶來變化的力量。這股信念已經(jīng)多到難以回報(bào),我希望你們也是這樣想的。你們現(xiàn)場(chǎng)當(dāng)中的某人或者守候在電視機(jī)前的某人都一直團(tuán)結(jié)著,從 2004 年到 2008 年再到 2014 年,可能你依然無法相信,我們居然至今同行。
致敬喬·拜登,來自斯克蘭頓的淘氣小孩,后來成為了最受歡迎的特拉華之子:當(dāng)我成為候選人時(shí)你是我的第一、也是最佳選擇。不僅僅是因?yàn)槟闶且晃蝗绱顺錾母笨偨y(tǒng),更使我收獲了一位兄弟。我們像家人一樣愛你和 Jill,我們的友誼是我們生活中最大的快樂之一。
致敬我最棒的團(tuán)隊(duì):8 年以來——對(duì)你們中的有些人來說,時(shí)間更長(zhǎng)——我從你們的能量中獲得鼓舞,并試圖回想你們每天表現(xiàn)的真心、品性和理想主義。我見證了你們成長(zhǎng)、結(jié)婚、生子,以及開始你們自己的美妙的新旅程。即使在困難和沮喪的時(shí)候,你們都從來沒有讓華盛頓的政治打敗自己,變成憤世嫉俗的人。我們一起取得的成績(jī)已經(jīng)足夠榮耀,唯一讓我更自豪的是想到你們未來將會(huì)取得的非凡成績(jī)。
美利堅(jiān)的同胞們,服務(wù)你們是我一生的榮幸。我不會(huì)止步,實(shí)際上,我的余生都會(huì)和你們?cè)谝黄?,作為一個(gè)公民?,F(xiàn)在,不管你年輕還是心態(tài)年輕,我作為總統(tǒng)向你們提出最后一個(gè)請(qǐng)求——和 8 年前你們選我做總統(tǒng)時(shí)的請(qǐng)求一樣。
◢ 陷阱合同 霸王條款
◢ 推脫責(zé)任 不斷拖延
◢ 無端承諾 胡亂收費(fèi)
◢ 申請(qǐng)失敗 拖延退費(fèi)
◢ 監(jiān)理師一對(duì)一科學(xué)分析 定向推薦
◢ 預(yù)約高水平的專業(yè)顧問 拒絕隨機(jī)
◢ 審查中介所供留學(xué)方案 保障安全
◢ 審核留學(xué)中介合同,規(guī)避陷阱