- 關(guān)于我們
- 針對假冒留學監(jiān)理網(wǎng)的聲明
- 留學熱線:4000-315-285
排名 | 學校名稱 | 學校英文名 | 學費/年 | 學生人數(shù) | GRE均分 | 科研經(jīng)費 |
1 | 佐治亞理工學院 | Georgia Institute of Technology | $27,872 | 8,850 | 164 | $223,060,000 |
2 | 密歇根大學安娜堡分校 | University of Michigan, Ann Arbor | $45,974 | 3,570 | 166 | $295,646,000 |
3 | 西北大學 | Northwestern University (McCormick) | $50,424 | 2,088 | 166 | $114,089,862 |
3 | 加州大學伯克利分校 | University of California, Berkeley | $26,322 | 2,076 | 165 | $208,862,000 |
5 | 麻省理工學院 | Massachusetts Institute of Technology | $48,140 | 3,124 | 166 | $448,324,000 |
6 | 普渡大學西拉法葉分校 | Purdue University, West Lafayette | $29,134 | 3,744 | 164 | $259,111,348 |
6 | 弗吉尼亞理工學院 | Virginia Tech | $27,644 | 2,338 | 162 | $128,303,167 |
8 | 哥倫比亞大學 | Columbia University (Fu Foundation) | $44,592 | 3,350 | 167 | $146,963,000 |
8 | 康奈爾大學 | Cornell University | $29,500 | 2,069 | 165 | $118,254,750 |
8 | 賓州州立大學公園分校 | Pennsylvania State University, University Park | $35,650 | 2,029 | 163 | $100,096,457 |
8 | 威斯康辛大學麥迪遜分校 | University of Wisconsin, Madison | $25,269 | 1,821 | 164 | $141,939,724 |
12 | 伊利諾伊大學厄本那-香檳分校 | University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign | $32,628 | 3,806 | 166 | $227,584,892 |
13 | 德州農(nóng)工大學 | Texas A&M University, College Station | $681 | 3,469 | 164 | $282,798,000 |
13 | 南加州大學 | University of Southern California (Viterbi) | $29,520 | 5,497 | 166 | $192,117,384 |
15 | 北卡羅來納州立大學 | North Carolina State University | $22,610 | 3,303 | 164 | $188,960,115 |
15 | 俄亥俄州立大學 | Ohio State University | $32,376 | 1,849 | 164 | $128,840,826 |
17 | 里海大學 | Lehigh University (Rossin) | $1,420 | 829 | 165 | $19,803,902 |
17 | 倫斯勒理工學院 | Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute | $49,520 | 646 | 164 | $53,892,000 |
17 | 羅格斯大學 | Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey, New Brunswick | $28,128 | 1,395 | 163 | $69,393,591 |
17 | 佛羅里達大學 | University of Florida | $30,130 | 3,067 | 163 | $69,346,000 |
17 | 匹茲堡大學 | University of Pittsburgh (Swanson) | $41,222 | 1,029 | 162 | $88,203,781 |
17 | 德克薩斯大學奧斯汀分校 | University of Texas, Austin (Cockrell) | $18,030 | 2,362 | 165 | $204,333,510 |
17 | 華盛頓大學 | University of Washington | $30,153 | 2,416 | 163 | $151,225,559 |
24 | 亞利桑那州立大學 | Arizona State University (Fulton) | $28,186 | 3,636 | 162 | $103,301,308 |
24 | 愛荷華州立大學 | Iowa State University | $23,024 | 1,337 | 167 | $94,520,571 |
24 | 亞利桑那大學 | University of Arizona | $30,124 | 1,081 | 162 | $50,284,260 |
27 | 克萊蒙森大學 | Clemson University | $21,532 | 1,415 | 158 | $36,245,649 |
27 | 喬治梅森大學 | George Mason University (Volgenau) | $29,306 | 1,711 | 159 | $16,674,400 |
27 | 海軍研究生院 | Naval Postgraduate School | - | - | - | - |
27 | 紐約州立大學水牛城分校 | University at Buffalo, SUNY | $22,210 | 1,859 | 162 | $59,036,405 |
27 | 明尼蘇達大學雙城分校 | University of Minnesota, Twin Cities | $25,120 | 1,923 | 164 | $122,194,826 |
32 | 東北大學 | Northeastern University | $1,471 | 4,259 | 162 | $71,406,287 |
32 | 俄克拉荷馬州立大學 | Oklahoma State University | $825 | 618 | 160 | $15,335,050 |
32 | 史蒂文斯理工學院 | Stevens Institute of Technology (Schaefer) | $33,328 | 2,041 | 161 | $21,226,295 |
32 | 阿肯色大學 | University of Arkansas, Fayetteville | $1,047 | 514 | 159 | $18,372,457 |
32 | 馬薩諸塞大學阿默斯特分校 | University of Massachusetts, Amherst | $29,644 | 983 | 163 | $54,525,342 |
32 | 弗吉尼亞大學 | University of Virginia | $25,578 | 786 | 164 | $70,905,434 |
38 | 奧本大學 | Auburn University (Ginn) | $27,216 | 897 | 163 | $61,678,000 |
38 | 德州理工大學 | Texas Tech University (Whitacre) | $723 | 896 | 159 | $17,508,000 |
38 | 中佛羅里達大學 | University of Central Florida | $1,194 | 1,427 | 160 | $37,258,000 |
38 | 賓夕法尼亞大學 | University of Pennsylvania | $32,286 | 1,674 | 165 | $103,539,325 |
42 | 空軍理工學院 | Air Force Institute of Technology | - | - | - | - |
42 | 韋恩州立大學 | Wayne State University | $1,430 | 1,590 | 156 | $13,613,000 |
44 | 紐約州立大學賓漢姆頓分校 | Binghamton University, SUNY (Watson) | $22,210 | 1,185 | 160 | $11,016,238 |
44 | 凱斯西儲大學 | Case Western Reserve University | $42,576 | 702 | 164 | $42,145,000 |
44 | 喬治華盛頓大學 | George Washington University | $1,690 | 1,821 | 163 | $13,345,523 |
44 | 加州大學爾灣分校 | University of California, Irvine (Samueli) | $30,243 | 1,442 | 164 | $90,005,096 |
44 | 南佛羅里達大學 | University of South Florida | $21,126 | 1,216 | 158 | $33,270,000 |
44 | 德克薩斯大學阿靈頓分校 | University of Texas, Arlington | $16,002 | 3,246 | 158 | $45,265,615 |
50 | 波士頓大學 | Boston University | $49,176 | 1,121 | 164 | $95,618,671 |
50 | 密西西比州立大學 | Mississippi State University (Bagley) | $20,790 | 665 | 158 | $38,304,000 |
50 | 密蘇里科技大學 | Missouri University of Science & Technology | $25,766 | 1,127 | 156 | $24,974,630 |
50 | 歐道明大學 | Old Dominion University (Batten) | $1,195 | 726 | 157 | $8,063,007 |
50 | 休斯敦大學 | University of Houston (Cullen) | $950 | 1,448 | 161 | $31,459,760 |
50 | 伊利諾伊大學芝加哥分校 | University of Illinois, Chicago | $27,860 | 1,428 | 160 | $26,612,018 |
50 | 愛荷華大學 | University of Iowa | $28,183 | 398 | 161 | $45,625,665 |
57 | 堪薩斯州立大學 | Kansas State University | $910 | 475 | 162 | $16,215,282 |
57 | 路易維爾大學 | University of Louisville (Speed) | $25,486 | 622 | 157 | $10,163,804 |
57 | 俄克拉荷馬大學 | University of Oklahoma | $791 | 710 | 161 | $27,330,543 |
57 | 圣路易斯華盛頓大學 | Washington University in St. Louis | $48,950 | 1,256 | 165 | $24,560,000 |
61 | 新澤西理工學院 | New Jersey Institute of Technology | $28,092 | 2,450 | 159 | $56,053,060 |
61 | 俄勒岡州立大學 | Oregon State University | $23,769 | 1,248 | 160 | $42,442,459 |
61 | 阿拉巴馬大學亨茨維爾分校 | University of Alabama, Huntsville | $21,830 | 781 | 157 | $49,901,229 |
61 | 田納西大學 | University of Tennessee, Knoxville (Tickle) | $31,252 | 1,118 | 160 | $70,692,000 |
61 | 威奇塔州立大學 | Wichita State University | $706 | 643 | 155 | $47,958,838 |
66 | 佛羅里達農(nóng)工大學 | Florida A&M University - Florida State University | $1,005 | 329 | 157 | $16,772,908 |
66 | 密蘇里大學 | University of Missouri | $19,026 | 613 | 161 | $21,367,224 |
66 | 伍斯特理工學院 | Worcester Polytechnic Institute | $25,344 | 1,203 | 164 | $24,727,818 |
RNP | 拉馬爾大學 | Lamar University | $13,392 | 514 | 158 | $927,029 |
RNP | 蒙大拿州立大學 | Montana State University | $24,251 | 212 | 158 | $15,470,512 |
RNP | 新墨西哥州立大學 | New Mexico State University | $14,254 | 479 | 157 | $12,508,395 |
RNP | 北卡羅來納州立農(nóng)業(yè)技術(shù)大學 | North Carolina A&T State University | $16,950 | 305 | 154 | $14,616,407 |
RNP | 北達科他州立大學 | North Dakota State University | $904 | 163 | 151 | $2,692,290 |
RNP | 俄亥俄大學 | Ohio University (Russ) | $16,180 | 604 | 161 | $12,931,434 |
RNP | 南衛(wèi)理公會大學 | Southern Methodist University (Lyle) | $1,165 | 1,115 | 159 | $4,696,011 |
RNP | 阿肯色大學小石城分校 | University of Arkansas, Little Rock | - | - | - | - |
RNP | 丹佛大學 | University of Denver | $30,192 | 192 | 157 | $2,814,107 |
RNP | 邁阿密大學 | University of Miami | $1,900 | 234 | 159 | $6,077,087 |
RNP | 新罕布什爾大學 | University of New Hampshire | $27,130 | 266 | 160 | $7,969,700 |
RNP | 羅德島大學 | University of Rhode Island | $24,206 | 201 | - | $5,435,932 |
RNP | 田納西大學查塔努加分校 | University of Tennessee, Chattanooga | $25,994 | 177 | 155 | $2,240,023 |
RNP | 托萊多大學 | University of Toledo | $17,627 | 381 | 159 | $9,102,000 |
RNP | 威斯康辛大學密爾沃基分校 | University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee | $25,036 | 426 | 158 | $4,784,122 |
RNP | 西弗吉尼亞大學 | West Virginia University (Statler) | $25,056 | 701 | 157 | $19,861,768 |
RNP | 西密歇根大學 | Western Michigan University | $1,175 | 636 | 154 | $3,204,786 |
RNP | 懷特州立大學 | Wright State University | $22,892 | 1,034 | 156 | $9,964,000 |