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- 留學熱線:4000-315-285
2016 US NEWS美國綜合性大學排名已經(jīng)出爐!這是最新的美國大學排名!本次排名包括將近1800所學院和大學的數(shù)據(jù),其中包括大學的借貸情況、花銷成本和畢業(yè)率等數(shù)據(jù)。 排名評估了符合要求并上榜的大學上至16項學術能力指標。想去美國留學的同學們注意了,美國前50名排名在世界前100,美國前30名排名在世界前50!下面是美國前100大學綜合排名:
排名 | 學校名稱 | 學校英文名 | 學費 | 學生人數(shù) | 錄取率 |
1 | 普林斯頓大學 | Princeton University | $43,450 | 8,088 | 7.4% |
2 | 哈佛大學 | Harvard University | $45,278 | 19,929 | 6% |
3 | 耶魯大學 | Yale University | $47,600 | 12,336 | 6.3% |
4 | 哥倫比亞大學 | Columbia University | $51,008 | 24,221 | 7% |
4 | 斯坦福大學 | Stanford University | $46,320 | 16,795 | 5.1% |
4 | 芝加哥大學 | University of Chicago | $50,193 | 12,558 | 8.8% |
7 | 麻省理工學院 | Massachusetts Institute of Technology | $46,704 | 11,319 | 7.9% |
8 | 杜克大學 | Duke University | $49,341 | 15,856 | 11.4% |
9 | 賓夕法尼亞大學 | University of Pennsylvania | $49,536 | 21,296 | 10.4% |
10 | 加州理工學院 | California Institute of Technology | $45,390 | 2,209 | 8.8% |
10 | 約翰霍普金斯大學 | Johns Hopkins University | $48,710 | 21,484 | 15% |
12 | 達特茅斯學院 | Dartmouth College | $49,506 | 6,298 | 11.5% |
12 | 西北大學 | Northwestern University | $49,047 | 20,336 | 13.1% |
14 | 布朗大學 | Brown University | $49,346 | 9,181 | 8.7% |
15 | 康奈爾大學 | Cornell University | $49,116 | 21,850 | 14.2% |
15 | 范德堡大學 | Vanderbilt University | $43,838 | 12,686 | 13.1% |
15 | 圣路易斯華盛頓大學 | Washington University in St.Louis | $48,093 | 14,348 | 17.1% |
18 | 萊斯大學 | Rice University | $42,253 | 6,621 | 15.1% |
18 | 圣母大學(美國) | University of Notre Dame | $47,929 | 12,179 | 21.1% |
20 | 加州大學伯克利分校 | University of California, Berkeley | $38,140 | 37,581 | 16% |
21 | 埃默里大學 | Emory University | $46,314 | 14,769 | 26.8% |
21 | 喬治敦大學 | Georgetown University | $48,611 | 17,858 | 17.4% |
23 | 卡耐基梅隆大學 | Carnegie Mellon University | $50,410 | 13,285 | 24.6% |
23 | 加州大學洛杉磯分校 | University of California, Los Angeles | $35,631 | 43,239 | 18.6% |
23 | 南加州大學 | University of Southern California | $50,210 | 42,469 | 18% |
26 | 弗吉尼亞大學 | University of Virginia | $43,822 | 23,732 | 29% |
27 | 塔夫茨大學 | Tufts University | $50,604 | 10,907 | 17.3% |
27 | 維克森林大學 | Wake Forest University | $47,682 | 7,788 | 34.4% |
29 | 密歇根大學安娜堡分校 | University of Michigan, Ann Arbor | $43,377 | 43,625 | 32.2% |
30 | 波士頓學院 | Boston College | $49,324 | 13,575 | 33.9% |
30 | 北卡羅來納大學教堂山分校 | University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill | $33,644 | 29,135 | 28.5% |
32 | 紐約大學 | New York University | $46,170 | 49,274 | 35.5% |
33 | 羅切斯特大學 | University of Rochester | $48,290 | 11,060 | 36.4% |
34 | 布蘭迪斯大學 | Brandeis University | $49,598 | 5,945 | 35.2% |
34 | 威廉瑪麗學院 | College of William and Mary | $40,516 | 8,437 | 33% |
36 | 佐治亞理工學院 | Georgia Institute of Technology | $32,396 | 23,109 | 33.4% |
37 | 凱斯西儲大學 | Case Western Reserve University | $44,560 | 10,771 | 38.3% |
37 | 加州大學圣塔芭芭拉分校 | University of California, Santa Barbara | $38,573 | 23,051 | 36.3% |
39 | 加州大學歐文分校 | University of California, Irvine | $37,455 | 30,051 | 37.4% |
39 | 加州大學圣地亞哥分校 | University of California, San Diego | $38,066 | 29,909 | 33.5% |
41 | 波士頓大學 | Boston University | $48,436 | 32,112 | 34.5% |
41 | 倫斯勒理工學院 | Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute | $49,341 | 7,028 | 37.5% |
41 | 杜蘭大學 | Tulane University | $49,638 | 13,531 | 28% |
41 | 加州大學戴維斯分校 | University of California, Davis | $38,659 | 34,508 | 40.6% |
41 | 伊利諾伊大學厄本那-香檳分校 | University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign | $30,786 | 45,140 | 59% |
41 | 威斯康星大學麥迪遜分校 | University of Wisconsin, Madison | $26,660 | 43,193 | 49.8% |
47 | 理海大學 | Lehigh University | $46,230 | 7,119 | 34.3% |
47 | 東北大學 | Northeastern University | $45,530 | 19,798 | 32.2% |
47 | 賓州州立大學帕克分校 | Pennsylvania State University, University Park | $31,346 | 47,040 | 50.3% |
47 | 佛羅里達大學 | University of Florida | $28,591 | 50,350 | 47.1% |
51 | 邁阿密大學牛津分校 | University of Miami Coral Gables, FL | $45,724 | 16,774 | 38.2% |
52 | 俄亥俄州立大學哥倫布分校 | Ohio State University—Columbus Columbus, OH | in-state: $10,037, out-of-state: $26,537 | 58,322 | 53% |
52 | 佩珀代因大學 | Pepperdine University Malibu, CA | $48,342 | 7,417 | 35.5% |
52 | 德克薩斯大學奧斯汀分校 | University of Texas—Austin Austin, TX | in-state: $9,830, out-of-state: $34,836 | 51,313 | 39.7% |
52 | 華盛頓大學 | University of Washington Seattle, WA | in-state: $12,394, out-of-state: $33,513 | 44,784 | 55.2% |
52 | 葉史瓦大學 | Yeshiva University New York, NY | $39,530 | 6,438 | 81.8% |
57 | 喬治華盛頓大學 | George Washington University Washington, DC | $50,435 | 25,613 | 43.8% |
57 | 康涅狄格大學 | University of Connecticut Storrs, CT | in-state: $13,364, out-of-state: $34,908 | 26,541 | 50% |
57 | 馬里蘭大學帕克分校 | University of Maryland—College Park College Park, MD | in-state: $9,996, out-of-state: $31,144 | 37,610 | 47.8% |
57 | 伍斯特理工學院 | Worcester Polytechnic Institute Worcester, MA | $45,590 | 6,381 | 43.8% |
61 | 克萊姆森大學 | Clemson University Clemson, SC | in-state: $14,240, out-of-state: $32,796 | 21,857 | 52.8% |
61 | 普渡大學 | Purdue University—West Lafayette West Lafayette, IN | in-state: $10,002, out-of-state: $28,804 | 38,770 | 59.2% |
61 | 南衛(wèi)理公會大學 | Southern Methodist University Dallas, TX | $48,190 | 11,272 | 52.4% |
61 | 雪城大學 | Syracuse University Syracuse, NY | $43,318 | 21,492 | 53.2% |
61 | 喬治亞大學 | University of Georgia Athens, GA | in-state: $11,622, out-of-state: $29,832 | 35,197 | 55.8% |
66 | 楊百翰大學 | Brigham Young University—Provo Provo, UT | $5,150 | 30,484 | 47% |
66 | 福德漢姆大學 | Fordham University New York, NY | $45,623 | 15,231 | 48.1% |
66 | 匹茲堡大學 | University of Pittsburgh Pittsburgh, PA | in-state: $18,192, out-of-state: $28,958 | 28,617 | 53.1% |
69 | 明尼蘇達大學-雙城分校 | University of Minnesota—Twin Cis Minneapolis, MN | in-state: $13,560, out-of-state: $20,810 | 51,147 | 45.4% |
70 | 德克薩斯農(nóng)機大學 | Texas A&M University—College Station College Station, TX | in-state: $9,180, out-of-state: $26,356 | 61,263 | 71% |
70 | 弗吉尼亞理工大學 | Virginia Tech Blacksburg, VA | in-state: $12,017, out-of-state: $27,444 | 31,224 | 72.6% |
72 | 美利堅大學 | American University Washington, DC | $43,103 | 13,061 | 45.8% |
72 | 貝勒大學 | Baylor University Waco, TX | $40,198 | 16,263 | 55.4% |
72 | 羅格斯大學-肯頓校區(qū) | Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey—New Brunswick Piscataway, NJ | in-state: $14,131, out-of-state: $29,521 | 48,378 | 60.5% |
75 | 克拉克大學 | Clark University Worcester, MA | $41,940 | 3,423 | 54% |
75 | 科羅拉多礦業(yè)大學 | Colorado School of Mines Golden, CO | in-state: $17,383, out-of-state: $34,828 | 5,795 | 36.5% |
75 | 印第安納大學布魯明頓分校 | Indiana University—Bloomington Bloomington, IN | in-state: $10,388, out-of-state: $33,741 | 46,416 | 76.1% |
75 | 密歇根州立大學 | Michigan State University East Lansing, MI | in-state: $13,560, out-of-state: $36,360 | 50,085 | 66.1% |
75 | 斯蒂文斯理工學院 | Stevens Institute of Technology Hoboken, NJ | $47,190 | 6,125 | 43.8% |
75 | 特拉華大學 | University of Delaware Newark, DE | in-state: $12,342, out-of-state: $30,692 | 21,870 | 65.9% |
75 | 馬薩諸塞大學安姆斯特分校 | University of Massachusetts—Amherst Amherst, MA | in-state: $14,356, out-of-state: $30,689 | 28,635 | 61.3% |
82 | 邁阿密大學牛津分校 | Miami University—Oxford Oxford, OH | in-state: $14,287, out-of-state: $30,987 | 18,620 | 65.8% |
82 | 德克薩斯基督教大學 | Texas Christian University Fort Worth, TX | $40,720 | 10,033 | 48.9% |
82 | 加州大學圣塔克魯茲分校 | University of California—Santa Cruz Santa Cruz, CA | in-state: $13,481, out-of-state: $38,189 | 17,866 | 57% |
82 | 愛荷華大學 | University of Iowa Iowa City, IA | in-state: $8,104, out-of-state: $27,890 | 31,387 | 81% |
86 | 馬凱特大學 | Marquette University Milwaukee, WI | $37,170 | 11,745 | 66.7% |
86 | 丹佛大學 | University of Denver Denver, CO | $44,178 | 11,809 | 76.5% |
86 | 圖爾薩大學 | University of Tulsa Tulsa, OK | $36,962 | 4,682 | 40.3% |
89 | 賓漢姆頓大學 | Binghamton University—SUNY Binghamton, NY | in-state: $9,044, out-of-state: $22,164 | 16,695 | 44.1% |
89 | 北卡羅萊納州立大學羅利分校 | North Carolina State University—Raleigh Raleigh, NC | in-state: $8,581, out-of-state: $24,932 | 33,989 | 51.4% |
89 | 紐約州立大學石溪分校 | Stony Brook University—SUNY Stony Brook, NY | in-state: $8,855, out-of-state: $23,935 | 24,607 | 41.3% |
89 | 紐約州立大學環(huán)境科學與林業(yè)科學學院 | SUNY College of Environmental Science and Forestry Syracuse, NY | in-state: $7,770, out-of-state: $17,620 | 2,457 | 51.1% |
89 | 科羅拉多大學波爾得分校 | University of Colorado—Boulder Boulder, CO | in-state: $11,091, out-of-state: $34,125 | 32,080 | 84.2% |
89 | 圣地亞哥大學 | University of San Diego San Diego, CA | $44,586 | 8,349 | 46.3% |
89 | 佛蒙特大學 | University of Vermont Burlington, VT | in-state: $16,226, out-of-state: $37,874 | 12,856 | 73.4% |
96 | 佛羅里達州立大學 | Florida State University Tallahassee, FL | in-state: $6,507, out-of-state: $21,673 | 41,226 | 55.4% |
96 | 圣路易斯大學 | Saint Louis University St. Louis, MO | $39,226 | 13,287 | 60.3% |
96 | 阿拉巴馬大學 | University of Alabama Tuscaloosa, AL | in-state: $10,170, out-of-state: $25,950 | 36,047 | 51.1% |
99 | 德克塞爾大學 | Drexel University Philadelphia, PA | $48,791 | 23,890 | 76% |
99 | 洛約拉大學芝加哥分校 | Loyola University Chicago Chicago, IL | $39,179 | 15,902 | 63.3% |
99 | 紐約州立大學布法羅分校 | University at Buffalo—SUNY Buffalo, NY | in-state: $8,870, out-of-state: $22,290 | 29,944 | 57.8% |
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