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- 留學(xué)熱線:4000-315-285
General Linguistics - Bachelor major(本科)專(zhuān)業(yè)概況
The general linguistics course deals with the systematic examination of linguistic structures. Linguists research which laws a language has, which properties are common to all languages ??and how languages ??differ systematically.
There are interesting points of contact to neighboring areas in the humanities and natural sciences, such as philosophy, cognitive science and computer science, but also to biology and mathematics. General linguistics can be studied as a major or minor.
The three-year course with a BA degree initially consists of modules from the core linguistic areas of phonetics / phonology (production and analysis of linguistic sounds), syntax (structure of phrases and sentences), semantics (meaning of linguistic utterances), pragmatics (use of language) and psycholinguistics ( Interplay of language and cognition). The focus here is primarily on the interfaces between the core areas. In addition to the core areas, further focuses in the study are dealing with the diversity of the languages ??of the world and the use of current computer-aided methods for the modeling and simulation of natural language phenomena.
After successfully completing a BA, it makes sense to complete a related master's degree. An MA degree is also a prerequisite for a subsequent doctorate.
During the course, broad-based key qualifications such as the ability to work independently and creative problem solving are acquired. The career prospects for the graduates are accordingly diverse. Typical areas are jobs in publishing, adult education, the media, the PR area or the software industry. In addition to these professional fields, a BA degree is also the first prerequisite for a university career.
What are the special features of the course in Tübingen?
The seminar for linguistics offers the ideal framework for intensive training and support. The courses usually take place in small groups, which guarantees personal contact with the lecturers. Students benefit from excellent resources such as B. the extensive library. Tübingen's linguistics also enjoys a high reputation in the field of international research and is also characterized by its good networking with other disciplines.
The Department of New Philology at the Faculty of Philosophy combines various seminars under one roof. a. deal with the German, English, Romance and Slavic languages ??and literatures. The specialty of this department lies not only in its great tradition and the worldwide importance of the individual seminars, but also in the emphasis on the commonalities of modern language philologies, which is expressed in the well-stocked multidisciplinary library and in joint projects in research and teaching. The department is considered a high-ranking training place with great charisma for young academics, which is reflected in the results of national and international rankings.
Career prospects
The study of general linguistics does not prepare you for a specific profession. However, central qualifications are acquired during the course of studies, which play an important role for a large number of professions. This includes the general skills of analytical penetration of complex issues, independent research of questions, the clear and structured presentation of complex issues and teamwork. Of course, this also includes the more diverse knowledge acquired about the phonetic structure, sentence structure and logic of the German language and other languages, depending on the events attended and the topics dealt with. This results in a whole range of professional opportunities which should also be tried out during the course of the relevant internships and should be expanded by a suitable combination of subjects or additional qualifications.
學(xué)制:全日制(6 學(xué)期)
開(kāi)學(xué)時(shí)間:預(yù)計(jì)在十月 2022
留學(xué)地點(diǎn):University of TubingenGeschwister-Scholl-Platz,TüBINGEN,Baden Wurttemberg,72074, Germany
1.點(diǎn)擊“在線查詢”(非工作時(shí)間可以留言,注明 案例ID )
2.即刻撥打熱線電話 4000-315-285