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- 留學熱線:4000-315-285
Why Study Mathematical Sciences at UL?
The programme is suited to students with an aptitude for mathematics who are interested in applying mathematics to problem solving in the real world. It is designed to provide a broad mathematical training that will allow you to work in any environment that requires strong analytical and problem solving skills. The programme involves an introductory two years, common to all students, when the fundamental mathematical tools are introduced. After two years, you will have the option of specialising in mathematics, statistics or computing. The programme also provides a theoretical grounding for students who wish to pursue postgraduate studies.
Course Structure
Programme of Study
The programme is full time, of four years in duration. It includes a period of Cooperative Education during the spring and summer of the third year of the course where the skills that you have acquired are applied in an appropriate workplace. The first two years of the course provide a foundation in a broad range of areas including calculus, statistics, linear algebra, discrete mathematics, operations research, mechanics, computer science and mathematical modelling.
There is also an elective pair of modules in the first year in either (a) Computer Science or (b) Economics or (c) Finance/Accounting or (d) Biology or (e) Physics.
The third and fourth years of the programme give you the opportunity to specialise in one of the following options:
The mathematics stream is aimed at giving you a rounded appreciation of mathematics and the ability to approach problem solving with a mathematical mind. It develops the analytical skills acquired in the first two years using mathematical modelling of real world problems. Topics covered include linear algebra, fluid mechanics, dynamical systems, mathematical modelling and numerical solution of partial differential equations, perturbation methods, stochastic differential equations.
Statistics deals with the collection, presentation, and analysis of data application areas include marketing, product development and testing, finance, economics, sociology, medicine, and the experimental sciences. Topics covered range from the mathematical basis of statistics through to the use of computers in the analysis of large sets of data. The courses in this option include stochastic processes, statistical inference, data analysis, experimental design, quality control, time series analysis, stochastic differential equations and operations research.
The aim of this stream is to develop your understanding of the mathematical foundation of computing and to provide you with practical skills in the development of software systems. The courses in this option include systems analysis, data mining, algorithms, database systems and intelligent systems.
Follow-on Study
Recent graduates have undertaken a variety of Masters courses in Ireland and abroad, including the MSc in Mathematical Modelling at UL. Graduates have undertaken doctoral research, including some supported by the MACSI research centre at UL.
Career Prospects
Graduates of the programme have been in considerable demand by industry, commerce and government to apply their analytical and computing skills in areas such as:
學制:全日制(4 年)
學費:€16,465.00 (¥ 128,147) /年
開學時間:預計在九月 2022
留學地點:University of LimerickLimerick,Republic of Ireland
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