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- 針對假冒留學監(jiān)理網(wǎng)的聲明
- 留學熱線:4000-315-285
The computer science program prepares students for careers in computer science by offering a BA and a BS degree, as well as combined BA/MS and BS/MS degrees. Students who earn the BA are prepared either for graduate study in computer science or a career in industry. Students who earn the BS degree build strength in an additional field by following an approved course of study in a related area. The department also offers a minor. Furthermore, a computer science major or minor serves as an excellent foundation for work in other areas, including but not limited to mathematics, the natural sciences, social sciences, public administration, and the arts.
Program Requirements
Both the BA and BS in computer science require fulfillment of the mathematical sciences requirement in general education by completing an approved two-quarter calculus sequence. The physical sciences requirement in general education must be satisfied by completing an approved two-quarter sequence in either chemistry or physics. Both BA and BS students take at least fourteen computer science courses chosen from an approved program. BS students also take three courses in an approved related field outside computer science.
Students can earn a BA or BS degree with honors by attaining a grade of B or higher in all courses in the major and a grade of B or higher in three approved graduate computer science courses (30000-level and above). These courses may be courses taken for the major or as electives.
Students may also earn a BA or BS degree with honors by attaining the same minimum B grade in all courses in the major and by writing a successful bachelor's thesis as part of CMSC 29900 Bachelor's Thesis. This thesis must be based on an approved research project that is directed by a faculty member and approved by the department counselor.
學制:全日制(4 年)
學費:US$57,642.00 (¥ 373,169) /年
開學時間:預(yù)計在九月 2022
留學地點:University of ChicagoEdward H. Levi Hall,5801 South Ellis Avenue,CHICAGO,Illinois,60637, United States
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