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- 留學熱線:4000-315-285
The department offers a five-year program leading to the Bachelor of Science and Master of Science, awarded simultaneously. This program is open to MIT undergraduate Political Science majors only. It allows the student to plan for a single combined SB-SM thesis written during the last three terms at the Institute. Undergraduate Institute requirements may be completed during the fifth year of the program.
Political science is concerned with the systematic study of government and the political process. Within the discipline, scholars analyze the development, distribution, and uses of political power; determinants and consequences of various forms of political behavior and sources of political conflict; ways in which conflicts are both intensified and resolved; and the relationship between the individual and the state. Political science is a discipline of special interest to scientists and engineers who must understand the political system within which they live in order to evaluate their influence upon that system. It is of interest as well to those students who are considering careers in public service or university teaching and research.
The Department of Political Science has a research-oriented faculty that welcomes both undergraduate and graduate students in ongoing research. The department covers the fields of American politics and public policy, comparative politics, international relations and foreign policy, and political philosophy and social theory, with particular emphasis on ethnicity and identity, international security, representation, and the politics of globalization. The Department of Political Science offers degree programs at the bachelor's, master's, and doctoral levels.
學制:全日制(5 年)
學費:US$53,450.00 (¥ 346,030) /年
開學時間:預計在九月 2022
留學地點:MIT School of Humanities, Arts, and Social Sciences4-212 | 4-240,77 Massachusetts Avenue,CAMBRIDGE,Massachusetts,02139, United States
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